Arla Cheeses. Delight in every bite.

Arla's climate ambitions

We work with our trusted dairy farmers and other partners to grow our business in a sustainable manner. And most importantly, we listen to you. We are working to reduce greenhouse emissions 30 percent by 2030, continue to work towards more recyclable packaging and strive to become carbon net zero by 2050.

Arla's climate ambitions

At Arla, we’re taking action for a better future

Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare

Our top priority is the health and happiness of our cows. Our milk is of the highest standard because it comes from well-cared-for animals.


We are committed to protecting our ecosystem, working hard towards more recyclable packaging and a smaller CO2e Footprint.

Farmer Owned
Farmer Owned

We are proudly farmer-owned, meaning all of Arla’s profits go back to our farmers.

High Standards
High Standards

Our farmer owners uphold some of the world's most rigorous environmental and welfare standards, driven by their genuine commitment.